Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jesus & Craigslist

Yep I’m a firm believer that Craigslist can be an instrument for Jesus!  My first experience with this came when I was a selling something (that I didn’t really want to sell) and I actually prayed over the items many times and took them on and off of Craigslist.  Then I got a call and I met an amazing family that, by no accident, is now that family that I partner with in Orphan Care Ministry!

Now on to Esther’s story – once again I have an item that is VERY near and dear to my heart and God kept telling me to sell it for Esther’s adoption fund and I struggled back and forth and prayed over the item and finally listed it on Craigslist.  There was no movement on it for several weeks so I thought maybe God was just testing me to see if I would obey. I was going to remove it from Craigslist and call it “lesson learned on obedience and I passed” and that very day I received an email from a gentleman that was interested.  I don’t know that I was very nice to him in my response because of course he wanted to negotiate the price and I listed very clearly that the proceeds were going to help us bring our little girl home from Haiti.  We exchanged several emails, came up with an agreed price, he sent me a book he had written and now more pages are being written in the story of Esther!

 Was I surprised when I found out this man and his precious wife, are connected to Haiti – nope.  They have been to Haiti many, many times and have a dear friend that owns an orphanage there and is a Haitian attorney (I will get to meet him soon). They came into my house and my kids and I feel in love with them, their story, their love for the Lord and their obedience to purchase this item and let God direct the funds that they had to come up to do this.  We will forever be linked to James & Mary and I look forward to introducing them to Esther and sharing this story with her!   Eden wanted to go home with them and Parker cried when they left – you know this was God because that is NOT normal for my little ones!

Right after all of this took place I received a text from a dear friend that wants to do a fundraiser for us for Valentine’s Day – again, in tears by the generosity of others and how connected this sweet little girl is going to be a community of believers that love her!  More details to come on this fundraiser – you won’t want to miss it!

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deut. 31:8

Feel free to share our blog with others and if you feel led to donate to our fund you can click on the link on the right to make a cash donation or you can grab a cute t-shirt or amazing coffee and we received a percentage of the sales!

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