Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Plane The Plane!

I feel so inadequate to write this post. I so desire for all of the glory and credit to go to my great God. I pray that his fame is renowned, and that our family would just fade into the background. We are just supporting characters in this story – the starring role was long ago reserved for my God, my Savior. For this is ultimately and completely His story, and I hold it loosely knowing who really holds the pen. I could never fully tell all that God has done to orchestrate getting Esther into our family. There is no way that my finite mind can begin to even comprehend, in order to tell, the supernatural way that God joined our family together through this amazing, wonderful, painful, beautiful, humbling journey of adoption.
This week our dossier landed in Florida to hop on a plane to Haiti! Such exciting news for us as this gets us one step closer to meeting our daughter! So many people ask us “when will you go there?” or “isn’t it just so hard not knowing?”
My answer to this is a little crazy because it doesn’t make sense to me at all, but we have no idea when we are going there and I am not struggling with this being all consuming in my life. If you know me at all then you know this is TOTALLY God. I am, by nature, controlling and impatient (and many other adjectives that I won’t go into) but I am just at peace knowing that God’s timing in all of this is perfect. Honestly I don’t think I have ever been able to say that before and really, totally mean it.  Ok enough confessing of my short-comings! Now on to more fun details…
Our fundraiser from my friend Lynde at Cross Wired has been amazing! There was a goal set of $500 or 25 crosses and in one week we are sitting at 35 crosses and $700 and a week to go! She is donating 100% of the profits to our fund! I’m not sure Lynde knew what she signed up for but what a blessing this to our family! (order yours We found out this week that $2000 will be added on to our total to help pay for Esther’s care in the orphanage since it will take several months before she comes home.  This fundraiser is something that will greatly help with those extra needed funds. We are happy to pay these precious ladies that are caring for our little one but that means continuing to move forward in fundraising! We find ourselves only $3500 away from our total needed and that is just amazing to me! 

"But Jesus looked at them and said,  “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt. 19:26
We are continuing to be blessed by so many while also being able to meet with other families that are considering adoption and beginning their journey. God has placed so many people and opportunities in our paths that we would never have met had we not been obedient to his calling to adopt – even when it didn’t make sense in our minds.  Don’t be afraid to say yes!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7

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