Monday, August 13, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Rather we are ready or not we will be leaving for Haiti in 5 days! Here is a brief synopsis of what has transpired in the last few days and what lies ahead.  After receiving the call that we had our Embassy appointment in Haiti we found out we are responsible for ALL the travel expenses.  We thought much of these would be covered so we had not budgeted for them.  Our oldest daughter Madison leaves for college in two days and along with that trip comes a hefty check for tuition.  Our oldest son has moved back home and is beginning a new college the following the week – yep more college tuition that we didn’t account for. 

To top all of this off I have just contracted walking pneumonia and a horrible sinus infection, which is making me move in slow motion.  Trying to prepare everything for an international trip and leaving four kids behind is no small task in itself.  Not to mention, a crazy busy week of work and packing and moving Madi to a new school.  We have updated our wills, packed our tiny little carry on for 5 days (if you know me you are wondering how in the world I am coping with this), typed up all the instructions for the sitter, shopped for groceries and tried to thoughtfully plan items to bring to the staff at our orphanage all in the past 3 days( notice I use the term “we” very loosely)!

So, in 5 days we will land in Miami, spend the night with my parents and head to Port au Prince and charter a flight out Sunday morning for Cap Haitian to lay eyes on our precious daughter Esther for the first time.  I will be totally transparent as I speak here.  Along with this trip comes VERY mixed emotions and a lot of tears (I am NOT a crier so that’s weird). I want, more than anything, to hold my precious baby in my arms for the first time but I don’t want the inevitable end of the trip to take place without carrying her home with us.  This was one of THE top reasons we have never pursued International adoption prior to this one.  Even though our little one is in a great orphanage it’s still an orphanage in a third world country and leaving her behind is heart wrenching to me.

I read this quote today by Randy Stinson and it really hit home:
“We are committed to Gospel-centeredness. The doctrine of adoption is at the heart of the Gospel. We are born outside of Christ, but it is through Christ that we receive “the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry ‘Abba! Father!’” (Rom. 8:15) Physical adoption is a daily living picture of this spiritual reality. It is a constant reminder to our family and others of the grace and mercy of God and His love for the lost and care for the fatherless.”

This is why we are doing what we are doing and I will put my pity party aside, step up and trust God in my head not just my heart and get on that plane, meet my precious baby, know my kids at home will survive a few days without me, love on the staff at the orphanage and leave there forever changed, know I am “committed to Gospel-centeredness” and doing what we are called to do.  It might not be easy but God didn’t say it would be easy – we are ready and willing to GET UNCOMFORTABLE.

How you can help:
1.   Any financial contributions for our journey can made by clicking on the right – we will add your name to our Piece of the Puzzle fundraiser so you will forever hold a piece of our puzzle in our hearts and Esther’s. $5 or $500 – every amount helps.
2.     Commit to praying for us over the next week for safe travels, healing and peace.  Continue to pray for us when we get back home that a miracle would happen in our case and we would bring Esther home before the end of the year.
3.     Pray for our orphanage and their staff as they struggle with the day to day care of many little ones in not so great conditions.  Some have recently lost loved ones and continue to care for our babies.  Many have to see death and devastation all around and are doing their best to make a difference in the life of a child.


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