Sunday, November 17, 2013


This time two-years ago we had just finalized Eden’s adoption and in the process of opening our home back to foster teens. Then we got the call that would forever change the course of our family.  Sometimes it feels like an eternity has passed and other days it seems like yesterday. I am SO glad God knows our life plan more than we do.  I can’t imagine second-guessing him and saying “no” to the call to be Esther’s forever family.  Although it seemed like a mystery then it so very clear to us know why we were chosen! 

Here are two excerpts from my very first blog:
“My personality very seldom allows me to let go and let God be in control but in order for this sweet baby girl to be ours that is what God is asking of me- along with the dreaded 8-letter word PATIENCE .”

“ If this is God's will for our family then Esther will soon be a Savage and we will, once again, have a child that is a living testimony to the power of prayer and faith and miracles!  We are trusting in His provision and praying for those that are being called to help us financially that they will be blessed beyond measure as they, too, obey God’s call to “defend the fatherless.”  Our entire family is on board so our journey of 1818 miles begins......”
That ugly 8-letter word is still an issue for me but I’m working on it and God showed up in a BIG way through people I never would have imagined and we were blessed beyond measure!  In no way were we prepared for the journey that was before us but God gave us glimpses of His plan only as we needed to see them.  He placed people in our paths that we never would have had the opportunity to meet, people have come closer to the Lord or found Him for the first time, we have been stretched and molded in ways we never anticipated and it was from a small three letter word YES! If you never say YES then you will never know what you are missing and we would have missed out the most precious gift. 

Over the past nine months we have laughed, cried, thanked God and questioned Him.  Esther has been through so much since she arrived and she is my hero.  I have never met a little soul as sweet and resilient as Esther.  Esther, her Biblical namesake, was an orphan and faced many challenges but did everything in her power to overcome them and make the world a better place.  Looking in the eyes of this sweet girl you know she already makes the world she lives in a better place.

To recap her nine months home:  Esther was diagnosed with bi-lateral profound sensorineural hearing loss. She has had many shots to catch up with her vaccines, tubes put in her ears, two cochlear implant surgeries, an MRI a CT Scan, started a new school, learned two new languages (sign language and English), heard sounds and voices for the first time, gained a family with 4 siblings and two dogs, had many first and many more still to come.  This is so much for a little two year old to take in but she has done it with grace.  She has another surgery coming up this week and will begin a new school in January.  She will celebrate Christmas for the first time and continue to learn to sign and speak. She will celebrate her third birthday “Savage style” and so much more!

We are blessed by so many people that have prayed us through this journey and supported our family every step of the way.  Thank you all for your love, compassion and generosity and for walking alongside us through what seemed like the impossible!  Our journey is by no means over so please stay the course with us! Adoption is hard and it takes ALL of you – we could not do this alone!  Thanks for being our VILLAGE!

But he said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”- Luke 18:27

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