Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankfully Impatient


I have been BLESSED to have an amazing group of adopting moms that are all adopting little ones from the same orphanage we are.  We are doing life together,
sharing the ups and downs of this crazy, crazy Haitian adoption process. I am certain that I make it through each day solely on the wings of these AMAZING ladies.
It is safe environment that we can share our innermost thoughts not just about adoption, but also about life in general.  I realize women and groups like these are rare and I cherish these friendships more than these ladies will ever know.  My hope is that one day we all get to meet in person and rejoice in our friendship and see our little ones all in the same room together in the US!
"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense." Prov. 27:9
As for an update on our adoption journey with Esther – there is not much to say. Hurricane Sandy hit Haiti, but our Orphanage was not impacted in a huge way. There are many changes going on at our orphanage right now with the staff and we are continually in prayer for them as they care for our children and continue to serve in such a difficult country. Several Haitians lost their homes, once again, and just seem to be forever struggling to recover from one natural disaster after another to the extreme poverty they already face in the worlds poorest country.  Please take a minute tonight to pray for this country that so desperately needs to see the hand of God save their people. Maybe you can find a way to help them. There was a team of Christian bloggers that recently went to Haiti and shed some light into the lives of Haitians and the HUGE need.  You can check out this website and see if you can help!

We got an update this week that Esther is still not walking but beginning to show interest. They have people dedicated to working with her and we are hoping she will be taking her first steps very soon.  She had pneumonia and an infection in her hip a few months ago and I am sure this hip infection was something she has had for a while and has impacted her ability to walk.  It was a blessing to have American doctors at the hospital that found the infection and took care of it! Please pray for Esther and for all the children at COTP – each of them has a need that the Lord can heal and many of them have forever families in the states that are waiting for their little ones to come home - just like we are. 

We are still raising funds to complete our funding and our last trip to pick up Esther – feel free to use the PayPal button on the right to donate to our fund or buy a shirt or some coffee or participate in our online auction (for Christmas gifts) to help us bring Esther home! Every dollar raised here goes STRAIGHT to our adoption travel fund and EVERY dollar helps!


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