Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Thanks to all of you who follow this blog and who have contributed to our journey of bringing Esther home through finances, prayer and friendship. It takes a community to adopt a child and I am proud to say that the community that surrounds our family is amazing and spreads all across the nation!  I don’t always have something to report but we did get a recent update about Esther. 

Esther will be 2 in a month and she doesn’t walk yet and struggles with balance. We also just found out that they think she has a hearing loss.  She does not respond to sound (even clapping right by her ear).  This is hard news to take when you are a mom and a thousand miles away and can’t do anything to help.  The feeling of helplessness could take over but I have chosen to trust God through this process. That being said,  this update is a part of the process.   I know that He is still in the business of miracles so I am praying for healing and a miracle for Esther if that is what God chooses.  

 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:8. He heals today. His miracles confirm His deity, omnipotence, and faithfulness to His promises. We preach the biblical truth of His healing power, even though divine power does not respond immediately to every human plea and desire. Though His ways are beyond our understanding (Romans 11:33), we trust His decisions in response to all our prayers.
The New Testament records many miracles and healings wrought by Jesus. Yet not every disease and infirmity in His immediate proximity was removed. Scripture records that upon returning to His hometown, “he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith” Matthew 13:58. In John 5, Jesus healed only one of many gathered at the pool of Bethesda for a superstitious expectation of physical healing. So if prayer for healing is not immediately answered, we do not change our theology to say God no longer heals. We continue to trust Him in anticipation of the day when the infirmities of earthly existence drop away in the perfect light of His eternal presence.
All of that being said there was good news with our update! Esther is in the “passport phase” of our process and we see a clear light at the end of the tunnel.
Her Haitian passport will be paid for this week and then paperwork will go the US Embassy to process her Visa and then we get to pick her up! If you asked me a time frame I would say we should go to Haiti in mid-February(even though I have been told sooner). That would be my perfect birthday present!

Please continue to pray for Esther, for the orphanage and the other children and their adoptive families, for the workers that serve there and for your part in our journey.  We still are raising funds for our second round of travel so if you want o donate you can do so via the paypal button on the right.  If you want to know other ways you can support adoptive families message me or visit my organizations website

I will leave you with my funny quote of the day:
Parker: Mom I think Daddy and I will need to go to Haiti and pick up Esther and bring her home this week. You can’t go it’s just for me and Daddy to go for you but we should learn how to say snowman, thunder and lizard in that funny language that’s not Spanish!


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